7 Facts About Killers One Piece. Eustass Captain Kid'S Confidant

7 Facts About One Piece Killers. Eustass Captain Kid'S Confidant

Killer is a pirate who is a member of the Kid pirates under the auspices of Captain Kid, he is a character who uses a weapon in the form of a rotating sword. And here are some Killer facts.

Kid's Little Friend

In SBS Volume 87, Oda sensei told that Kid and Killer were best friends since they were little, they had bitter experiences when they were little. And the unique thing is that these two friends don't like the same food, namely Udon Curry.

Know About Ox Bell

After Ace's death in Maineford, Luffy once came back there and rang the Ox Bell, Killer himself seems to know a lot about this bell. He even explained the number of bells that were rung and the meaning of the number of bells in detail.

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Create an Alliance

Killer can be said to be the person who made Kid want to form an alliance with Apoo and Basil Hawkins, before that Kid had said to Killer that he was not interested in forming an alliance with the two supernovas.

Fight Against Zoro

In the Wanokuni Arc, Killer became the person who had confronted Zoro, at that time Killer wore a mask and was known as Kamazou. And at that time Zoro acknowledged Killer's ability and Killer himself managed to injure a Zoro.

Eating the Smile Fruit

It is known that Killer was one of the victims of the failed Smile Fruit, this Devil Fruit that erases a person's emotions and makes them only laugh. And this made Kid angry at Kaido and also Orochi for what they did to his best friend.

How to Eat and Drink

In Sbs Volume 62, it is known how Killer eats and drinks, he only eats long foods such as noodles and ramen, other than that to be able to drink he also uses a straw. Why is a killer like this, that's because he eats and drinks without opening his mask but only uses the hole in his mask.

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The smallest Bounty increase

Of all the supernovas known to have had their bounty increased, only Killer had the smallest amount of bounty increase, he originally had a head bounty of 162 million belly. And it increased by only 38 million belly to 200 million belly.

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