7 Facts about Admiral Ryokugyu One Piece, The New Admiral After Akainu Comes to Power

7 Facts about Admiral Ryokugyu One Piece, The New Admiral After Akainu Comes to Power

Admiral Ryokugyu is one of the new admirals whose strength is one of the things to look forward to, Ryokugyu is known to be able to survive even though he has not eaten several times. and the following are 7 Facts about Admiral Ryokugyu One Piece

Called Monsters

Admiral Ryokugyu is one of the newly appointed admirals after Akainu was promoted to admiral, even though Admiral Ryokugyu's abilities are still mysterious, Doflamingo once said that he was a monster. So of course Ryokugyu's abilities must be extraordinary like the strength of admirals in general.

Not Exorcising Fujitora

Fujitora received a punishment from Akainu by not being allowed to come to the Marine headquarters and Fujitora's arrival to Mariejoa made Akainu angry even though Fujitora gave the right reason by saying that Mariejoa was not a Marine headquarters. This made Akainu ask Admiral Ryokugyu to expel Fujitora. But it seems Ryokugyu didn't do that.

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Come to Wanokuni

As one of the Admirals who was just discovered after the time skip, Ryokugyu is an admiral whose information doesn't know much. And Ryokugyu is a Marine admiral who is known to have come to Wanokuni after news of the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom spread throughout the world, even Admiral Ryokugyu was the only Marine who came to Wanokuni even though the Gorosei were pessimistic about attacking Wanokuni even though they used the Marines.

Ryokugyu ability

News of Kaido's defeat managed to reach one of the Marine Admirals, Ryokuyu, this made him come to Wanokuni. Admiral Ryokugyu's ability was also shown when he went berserk in Udon prison, where he could take out roots like manipulating plants. And this is what might make Ryokugyu able to survive even though he hasn't eaten for a long time.

Beat All Stars

After Kaido's defeat, Kaido's mainstay All Stars namely King and Queen were imprisoned by Udon. This place became the place that Admiral Ryokugyu visited and where Ryokugyu showed his abilities by being able to beat everyone and Queen and King easily.

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The original name

After Akainu became Admiral of the Marines replacing Sengoku's position, there were 2 new admirals who replaced him and Aokiji who decided to leave. These two people are Fujitora whose real name is Issho. And one other admiral is Admiral Ryokugyu who is known to have the real name Aramaki.

Want to Attack Wanokuni

After arriving at Wanokuni, Admiral Ryokugyu is also known to have asked the Navy for help to bring warships to Wanokuni. and this refers to Ryokugyu's desire to attack the place in order to catch the pirates who previously defeated Big Mom and Kaido.