7 Facts About Apis One Piece, Children Can Talk To Animals [One Piece]

7 Facts About Apis One Piece, Children Can Talk To Animals [One Piece]

Apis is a child who lives on Gunkan Island. He also has a grandfather named Bokuden. Apis used to participate in the Straw Hat Pirates' battles before entering the Grandline. And here are some interesting facts about Apis.

Non Canon Character Devil Fruit Eater

Apis is a character that only exists in the anime series, she is also one of several non-canon characters who have Devil Fruit powers. Where Apis Devil Fruit's ability is being able to communicate with animals via telepathy

Refuses to Join Luffy

In the anime arc, Luffy once tried to recruit Apis to join his pirate group, but Apis refused Luffy's offer because he wanted to protect his homeland which has a relationship with dragons.

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Panic When Hearing His Grandfather's Story

Apis has a grandfather named Bokuden who is the elder of Gunkan Island. Bokuden had a habit of detailing the history of the island he lived on, which is why Apis often ran away in fear from his grandfather's long and boring stories.

Making the Straw Hat Pirates Turn Away

The Straw Hat Pirates were the group that brought Apis back to her hometown, even though to take Apis the Straw Hat Pirates had to turn around because the location of the island they were heading to was even further away from the Grandline entrance.

Friends With A Dragon

Apis is known to have a relationship with a dragon, with the power possessed by Apis he is able to communicate with the dragon. And Apis himself actually wanted to fulfill his theme's wish to return to his hometown.

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Legendary Island Appearance

Apis gained valuable experience that the residents of Gunkan Island rarely get, this experience was the moment when they saw the emergence of an island which was the nest of dragons and only appeared once every 1000 years.

Luffy's favorite food

When he became friendly with the Straw Hat Pirates, Apis was once seen making the Straw Hat Pirates breakfast for them to eat. But Apis's food doesn't look good. But of all the people who tasted Apis's cooking, only Luffy felt that Apis's cooking was delicious.

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