7 Facts About Calgara One Piece, The Legendary Shandia Hero [One Piece]

7 Facts About Calgara One Piece, The Legendary Shandia Hero [One Piece]

Calgara is a person who comes from the Shandia tribe, he is a warrior who is highly respected by his tribe. And here are some interesting facts about the Shandia hero Calgara.

Sacrificed his son

The Shandia tribe is a tribe that has a tradition of sacrificing humans to the gods in solving problems, an example is when Calgara sacrificed his own daughter as an offering to the gods so that the curse that hit the island could be stopped.


Apart from having great fighting skills, Calgara is also known to have the ability to know someone's movements or movements. And this technique is known as Kenbunshoku Haki, but the people of Skypea call this technique a spell.

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There is a big snake that is on skypea, this snake is named Nola and has lived for a very long time. Nola has a very large size at this time, besides that Nola also has memories when she was with Calgara and Norland.

Friends with Norland

Although at first Calgara and Norland had clashes, the two of them eventually became closer, even their friendship was legendary and well-known to their descendants.

Promise to Norland

Calgara had a promise to Norland, namely that he would always ring the Shandora bell so that Norland could easily find them, unfortunately Calgara could not fulfill that promise until he died.

Sculpture made

As a service for what was done by Calgara, the Shandia tribe made a statue in honor of Calgara who is considered a hero, and Calgara's struggle to fight over his native land continues to the descendants of Wyper.

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Fighting for His Descendants

Calgara's past with Norland is known to have continued until their descendant, Wyper, who is none other than his descendant, succeeded in realizing Calgara's dream of ringing the Shandora bell until Norland's descendants heard the sound.

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