7 Facts About Franky One Piece, The Shipbuilder Of The Thousand Sunny Go

7 Facts About Franky One Piece, The Shipbuilder Of The Thousand Sunny Go

Franky is a shipbuilder who built the Thousand Sunny Go for the Straw Hat Pirates, Franky is known as a Cyborg. And here are One Piece Franky Facts.

Blueprint Pluton

The world government is targeting Franky because he has the Pluton blueprint which is an ancient weapon. Franky did show the blueprint in front of CP9 agents, but Franky immediately burned the blueprint.

Modifying His Own Body

Franky once had a bad accident while trying to stop the sea train that was carrying Tom. This also made Franky modify his own body and wait for some of the parts that were badly damaged by the tragedy.

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The Clothes Luffy Wears

While in Dressrosa, Luffy wore black clothes with sunflower patterns, interestingly, the clothes that Luffy used had previously been seen worn by Franky. Franky's moment can be seen in the opening of the 12th one piece

Invited Oden To Join

In Kozuki Oden's flashback, the pirate Roger is seen visiting Water Seven and meets Tom. At that time little Franky also met them. Oden even asked Franky to join but Franky refused at that time.

Offered Mera Mera No Mi Devil Fruit

The appearance of the Mera Mera No Mi Devil Fruit while in Dressrosa made Luffy really want to get the Devil Fruit that his brother previously had. At that time, Luffy also offered Franky this Devil Fruit but was rejected because he still wanted to be able to swim.

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Using Monster Point Mode

The souls of several members of the Straw Hat Pirates were exchanged by Law while on Punk Hazard. At that time, Franky's soul entered Chopper's body. Franky was even seen using monster point mode, but he could not control this power.

Meet Kuma

It is known that Kuma became one of the people who protected the Sunny Go ship when the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were separated for two years. Where Franky was the first person to arrive and meet Kuma, who at that time had lost consciousness

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