7 Facts about Kinemon One Piece, a Very Strong Servant Leader Kozuki [OP}

7 Facts about Kinemon One Piece, a Very Strong Servant Leader Kozuki [OP}

Kinemon is one of Kozuki Oden's Servants who becomes Kozuki's servant leader. He met the Straw Hat Pirates during the Punk Hazard arc. And here are some Facts about Kinemon One Piece.

Exposed to Shinokuni Gas

In the Punk Hazard arc, Shinokuni gas is a dangerous gas because this gas can turn someone to stone. And Kinemon was one of the people who had been hit by the gas to turn Kinemon into stone. But fortunately he was still alive when the stone was destroyed.

Dressrosa fugitive

Although Kinemon's bounty is unknown for being targeted by the navy, he did get a bounty when he was in Dressrosa. The amount he got was one star with Rebecca, Viola, Franky and also Nico Robin. And one star is valued by Doflaminggo equal to 100 million berries.

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Go To The Future

Kinemon is one of the people who went to the future along with Momonosuke, Raizo, Kiku and also Kanjuro. And this person is the person assigned to accompany and also look after Momonosuke who is none other than the caretaker of the Kozuki Clan family.

Kozuki Clan Tattoo

Kinemon was once seen showing the Kozuki Clan tattoo on his back where this happened when they came to Zou Island and met Nekomamushi and also Inuarashi, who was also Kozuki Oden's Servant and had accompanied Oden on Roger and Whitebeard's ship.

Fooling the Straw Hat Pirates

When meeting with the Straw Hat Pirates, Kinemon admitted that Momonosuke was his son, this was to protect Momonosuke who was the target of many people, besides that he had another secret regarding their relationship with the leader of the Mink Tribe who turned out to be a comrade.

The First Person Who Followed Kozuki Oden

During Kozuki Oden's flashback, it is known that Kinemon was the first person to join and become Kozuki Oden's Servant. But he is not alone because Denjiro is also shown joining Kinemon when he follows Oden and eventually becomes Kozuki Oden's Servant.

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Kozuki Oden's technique

In the past, Kozuki Oden once offered to teach all his loyal samurai the mainstay of techniques capable of injuring Kaido. even though he initially refused, in fact Kinemon and also several other servants actually used this technique against Kaido.

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