7 Facts About Monkey D. Garp One Piece, The Marine Hero

7 Facts About Monkey D. Garp One Piece, The Marine Hero

Monkey D. Garp is a marine officer who really wants to make Ace and Luffy become marines. Besides that, Garp also has a strong punch and the following are some facts about Garp One Piece


When he first appeared, Garp was seen wearing a mask that was identical to that of a dog, but after he met Luffy in Water Seven, Garp was never seen wearing a mask like that again.

Marine Hero

Garp earned the nickname as a marine hero because of his achievements in defeating the Rocks Pirates, even though all of this was not done alone because he collaborated with Gol D. Roger.

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Refusing Promotion

Garp actually has the opportunity to get a promotion for the achievements he produces. However, he refused the offer to get the position because he did not want to become Tenryubitto's direct subordinate.

Train Koby And Helmeppo

Koby and Helmeppo can be said to have had great luck because they met Garp, even Garp himself finally wanted to be the one who trained Koby and Helmeppo. The result was proven by the increase in strength and also the rank they both got.

Luffy's father

Garp was the one who told about who Luffy's real father was, his words that told him that Luffy was the son of Dragon made everyone there speechless and shocked, because Luffy's father was a well-known fugitive.

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Kill Akainu

What Akainu did when he killed Ace once made Garp furious, he even had the intention to kill Akainu. Luckily, when he wanted to kill Akainu, Garp was stopped by Sengoku.

Save Koby

Koby is known to have been kidnapped by Teach when Teach and Koby came to Amazon Lily to catch Hancock. That's why Garp, who was the one who had taught Koby, or rather, was Koby's teacher, took the initiative to be able to save Koby, even Garp also had time to ask troops who were actually on a mission to Egghead Island.