7 Facts About Kyros One Piece, The Legend Of Dressrosa And The Strongest Gladiator

7 Facts About Kyros One Piece, The Legend Of Dressrosa And The Strongest Gladiator

Kyros is one of the royal guards of Dressrosa who holds great respect for King Riku Doldo and even ends up marrying the king's daughter. Additionally, he is a renowned gladiator. Here are 7 facts about Kyros in One Piece.

King Riku's Scar

King Riku Doldo bears a scar on his forehead, which he received from a Gladiator who later became his son-in-law. That Gladiator is Kyros, who initially attacked King Riku Doldo after the king approached Kyros following his act of killing two people in a fight.

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Kyros' Record

Kyros holds an incredible record during his 9 years at the Corrida Colosseum as a gladiator. He won 3,000 battles without ever experiencing defeat, showcasing his extraordinary skills in combat.

Kyros' Sacrifice

Kyros once performed a remarkable act by cutting off his own leg to free himself from the shackles placed on him by Doflamingo. This legendary gladiator dared to sever his own leg in an attempt to rescue King Riku Doldo, who was held captive by Doflamingo at the time.

First Victim

Sugar, one of Doflamingo's subordinates with the ability of a Devil Fruit to turn people into toys, made Kyros her first victim in Dressrosa. However, Kyros differs from other toys since Sugar forgot to establish a contract with him, allowing Kyros to remain free unlike the other toys.

Defeated by Lao G

Lao G was seen engaging in a battle with Kyros and managed to corner the renowned former gladiator. This can be attributed to the fact that the fight between Kyros and Lao G occurred while Kyros was still in his toy form, limiting his ability to launch effective attacks.

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Close Call with Explosion

Kyros narrowly escaped a disastrous fate when he encountered Gladius, who possesses the Pamu Pamu No Mi Devil Fruit power capable of causing explosions. At that time, Kyros, in his toy form, almost had his head blown up by Gladius. Fortunately, he was saved by the arrival of Luffy and Viola.

Refusal of Mansherry's Help

When Kyros met Mansherry, he initially declined her offer to heal his wounds. The renowned gladiator of Dressrosa believed that there were others who needed Mansherry's healing powers more than him, as he was aware of the limits of Mansherry's abilities.

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