7 Fact Akainu In One Piece: The Ruthless Pursuit Of Justice

7 Fact Akainu In One Piece: The Ruthless Pursuit Of Justice

Akainu is a high-ranking naval admiral who was promoted after Sengoku retired. Here are some facts about Akainu in One Piece:

One Piece Approaching Its Conclusion

Akainu possesses the Devil Fruit power known as Magu Magu No Mi, which allows him to manipulate magma. This power makes Akainu one of the strongest Devil Fruit users. It is even said that if Akainu were the main character, the One Piece story would conclude more quickly.

Buster Call at Ohara

Akainu was one of the leaders of the attack on Ohara. He took a highly controversial action by destroying a ship carrying civilian refugees. According to Akainu, he believed there was an archaeologist hiding on the ship and considered their rescue efforts futile.

Killing Marine Officers

During the Battle of Marineford, Koby and Helmeppo attempted to flee but were shocked to see Akainu attacking several marine officers who were also trying to escape, driven by fear of Whitebeard's power.

Inciting Whitebeard's Crew

Akainu is known for his cunning character. He once provoked Whitebeard's pirate crew, even causing Squard to stab Whitebeard. Additionally, Akainu lied by claiming that Whitebeard had sold out his crew to save Ace.

Relocating the Marine Headquarters

After becoming a naval admiral, Akainu made a bold move by relocating the Marine Headquarters from Marineford to the New World. His goal was to confront pirates and protect the Tenryubito in Mariejoa.

Confrontation with Fujitora

Akainu once had a heated debate with Fujitora about their chosen paths of justice. Fujitora made a surprising move by kneeling before King Riku, which was broadcasted live. Akainu forbade Fujitora from returning to the Marine Headquarters until he had captured the heads of Luffy and Law.

Luffy as a Threat

During the Battle of Marineford, Akainu identified Luffy as his primary target and was more determined to kill Luffy than Ace. This demonstrates that Akainu recognized the potential threat posed by Luffy in the future, as evidenced by his actions and achievements up to that point.