7 Facts about Kanjuro in One Piece, Orochi's Spy with Eyes in Wano Kuni

7 Facts about Kanjuro in One Piece, Orochi's Spy with Eyes in Wano Kuni

Kanjuro One Piece - Kanjuro is one of the samurai under Oden, although in reality, he is a spy sent by Orochi. Kanjuro once used his ability to disguise himself as Kozuki Oden and appeared on Onigashima. However, when he used a fire monster to burn Onigashima, the fire monster ended up attacking Orochi. Here are 7 facts about Kanjuro in One Piece.

Kanjuro's Past

Before joining and becoming one of Oden's retainers, Kanjuro's name was feared, and many terrifying rumors circulated about him. Kanjuro was known as the "Demon of Kibi" because of his penchant for stealing human hair. However, when he met Oden, it turned out that none of it was true.

Stealing Yasuie's Money

Upon initially joining Oden's retainers, Kanjuro and the others carried out a theft at Yasuie's place, who was then serving as the Daimyo. The nine retainers, including Kanjuro, were captured. Instead of receiving punishment, they ended up getting extra money from Yasuie.

Kanjuro's Devil Fruit

Kanjuro is a user of a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to bring to life any drawings he creates. He is a skilled artist, even though initially pretending to draw poorly.

Assisting Usopp in Dressrosa

Usopp became a thorn in Doflamingo's side for being able to render Sugar unconscious. Usopp succeeded in making Sugar faint twice, and during the second instance, Kanjuro played a significant role by drawing Usopp's face, providing ammunition for Usopp to make Sugar faint again.

Kanjuro's Origin - Kurozumi Clan

Kanjuro is revealed to be from the same clan as Orochi, the Kurozumi Clan. This clan has a dark history, and remnants of its members are looked down upon by the people of Wano.

When Kanjuro Gained the Devil Fruit

Initially, Kanjuro was not a Devil Fruit eater. He gained the power of the Devil Fruit from Kurozumi Orochi, who had a plan to turn him into a spy within the Oden family.

Jack's Attack on Zou

Jack wreaked havoc on Zou, destroying the Mink Tribe's homes. He went there to capture Raizo. Jack knew Raizo's location because Kanjuro provided the information."