7 Facts About Brook In One Piece, A Musician From The Straw Hat Pirates Crew

7 Facts About Brook In One Piece, A Musician From The Straw Hat Pirates Crew

Brook One Piece - Brook is a musician who joined the Straw Hat Pirates after encountering Gecko Moria. Brook is a living skeleton thanks to the power of his Devil Fruit. In fact, being the only one alive, Brook keeps all the skulls of his crewmates to be buried later. Here are 7 facts about Brook in One Piece:

Former Captain of the Rumbar Pirates

Before joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook was the captain of the Rumbar Pirates because he replaced the sick Yorki who couldn't sail anymore. This makes Brook one of the crew members who has been a captain of a pirate group, along with Jinbei.

Crack on the Forehead

Brook has a crack on his forehead, which he actually had since his human life. This is evident in flashbacks when Brook was with the Rumbar Pirates. The scar on Brook's head seems to come from a fierce battle that caused him to suffer serious injuries. Even in his skeletal form, this crack is very noticeable.

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Knowledge of Gecko Moria's Zombie Army Weakness

Having spent quite some time in Gecko Moria's territory, Brook knows the weaknesses of Moria's zombie army. Brook's information helped the Straw Hat Pirates when they faced off against the Thriller Bark pirates. In fact, Brook applied this knowledge directly by summoning a giant spider shadow on Thriller Bark.

Farewell Concerts with Fans

Brook held farewell concerts with fans in various places, with the last one being on Sabaody Island. Brook became very famous and had many fans, who even helped him when the Marines tried to capture him. The purpose of Brook's concert on Sabaody was to reunite with the Straw Hat crew.

Using Concert Posters

Brook's bounty poster attracted attention because usually bounty photos feature someone's face, but in Brook's case, the bounty poster featured an image of his concert brochure from his final performance on Sabaody Island. Even the "Dead or Alive" status was adjusted to match the writing style on Brook's poster.

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Extracting Souls from Big Mom's Homies

Brook has the ability to extract souls from Big Mom's Homies. He demonstrated this ability when he was surrounded while attempting to copy the Poneglyph inscription owned by Big Mom. However, Brook couldn't extract the souls from three Homies: Prometheus, Napoleon, and Zeus, because they were created using Big Mom's own soul.

Splitting Zeus Twice

Zeus, one of Big Mom's key Homies, was split in two twice during battles against enemies. Brook was the one who did it, first in Big Mom's territory when Brook and the Straw Hat Pirates crew tried to escape, and the second time during the battle in Onigashima.