7 Facts About Daemon, Amado's Powerful Artificial Creation In Boruto

7 Facts About Daemon, Amado's Powerful Artificial Creation In Boruto

Daemon is one of the artificial humans that appeared in the Boruto series, just like Aida, Daemon is one of Amado's creations. Daemon showed interest in Himawari when they first met. Here are 7 interesting facts about Daemon in Boruto.

Aida's Sibling

Daemon is known to be one of Amado's Kara members who was targeted for destruction by Jigen. Daemon appeared when Aida introduced him to Code, who had a mission of revenge for Isshiki's death. Aida revealed that Daemon was considered his own sibling.

Daemon's Abilities

Daemon's abilities were demonstrated when several people attempted to attack Code, Aida and the newly resurrected Daemon. Amado's creation can make the attackers' reactions hit themselves, and even someone can decapitate themselves just by looking at Daemon.

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Can Kill Aida

Aida is known to be an Amado creation that is considered a threat to Jigen, which led him to want to get rid of her due to her abilities surpassing Jigen's. Nevertheless, according to Aida, Daemon is one of the people who can kill her with his abilities. In fact, Daemon is the only one besides Otsutsuki who can kill her.

Used by Code

Code utilized Daemon's abilities when fighting against Kawaki. Amado's creation was brought by Code with his powers, causing Kawaki's attacks to hit himself instead. Code was able to do this because he previously gave a seal to Daemon.

Stopped by Daemon

Code once tried to kill Amado because he was on his hit list. Fortunately, when Code tried to attack Amado, he was saved by Daemon. Even though Code's abilities had returned, he was unable to kill Daemon.

Must Be Held First

Daemon has a terrifying ability to reflect the attacks or desires of others who want to kill him. However, Daemon needs to hold his potential victim with his own hand first. Only then will the reflection effect activate.

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Code Can't Fight Back

Code was shown fighting against Daemon, who was one of Amado's creations. Daemon was able to defeat Code, even easily. At that time, Code had already regained his powers, but his abilities were not yet capable of matching Daemon's strength.

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